Supplementary file of "Comprehensive genome and transcriptome analysis identifies SLCO3A1 associated with aggressive behavior in pigs
Additional file 1. Additional materials and methods [20, 21, 24–52, 54–57, 59–66, 118–130
List of 154 unique genes differentially expressed in list (List2). (XLSX 35.1 kb
List of differentially expressed (DE) genes for D2 vs D0. Gene ID, fold change, gene name, biotype, ...
Supplementary file of "Comprehensive genome and transcriptome analysis identifies SLCO3A1 associated...
Figures and table of "Comprehensive genome and transcriptome analysis identifies SLCO3A1 associated ...
Genes participating to relevant GO biological processes specifically in adipose tissues. (DOCX 22 kb
Supplementary Methods. Including the detailed bioinformatics analysis methods not included in the ma...
Data 1. The differentially expressed genes and GOs from sequencing. (XLSX 15911 kb
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Relationship of the estimates of heritability of gene expression with ...
Genes annotated by sense and/or antisense probes found associated with local or distant eQTL-SNPs. (...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Primers and annealing temperatures used for PCRs in this research. Tabl...
Data 2. The GOs and pathways enrichment of differentially expressed genes from microarray. (XLSX 187...
The list of genes related to fatty acid metabolism from Cytoscape-ClueGo. (XLS 409 kb
Table S3. All canonical pathways significantly enriched with differentially expressed genes. (XLSX 1...
GO terms associate with tissue-specific lncRNAs in pigs. This file contains tables from the DAVID an...
Additional file 1. Additional materials and methods [20, 21, 24–52, 54–57, 59–66, 118–130
List of 154 unique genes differentially expressed in list (List2). (XLSX 35.1 kb
List of differentially expressed (DE) genes for D2 vs D0. Gene ID, fold change, gene name, biotype, ...
Supplementary file of "Comprehensive genome and transcriptome analysis identifies SLCO3A1 associated...
Figures and table of "Comprehensive genome and transcriptome analysis identifies SLCO3A1 associated ...
Genes participating to relevant GO biological processes specifically in adipose tissues. (DOCX 22 kb
Supplementary Methods. Including the detailed bioinformatics analysis methods not included in the ma...
Data 1. The differentially expressed genes and GOs from sequencing. (XLSX 15911 kb
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Relationship of the estimates of heritability of gene expression with ...
Genes annotated by sense and/or antisense probes found associated with local or distant eQTL-SNPs. (...
Additional file 1: Table S1. Primers and annealing temperatures used for PCRs in this research. Tabl...
Data 2. The GOs and pathways enrichment of differentially expressed genes from microarray. (XLSX 187...
The list of genes related to fatty acid metabolism from Cytoscape-ClueGo. (XLS 409 kb
Table S3. All canonical pathways significantly enriched with differentially expressed genes. (XLSX 1...
GO terms associate with tissue-specific lncRNAs in pigs. This file contains tables from the DAVID an...
Additional file 1. Additional materials and methods [20, 21, 24–52, 54–57, 59–66, 118–130
List of 154 unique genes differentially expressed in list (List2). (XLSX 35.1 kb
List of differentially expressed (DE) genes for D2 vs D0. Gene ID, fold change, gene name, biotype, ...